V o i c e S t u d i o
Celeste Tavera teaches the arts of singing and performance, guiding students through a series of practical applications which encourage exploration of one’s vocal potential in a variety of genres and the full expression of one’s emotional and artistic abilities. Ms. Tavera’s focus is teaching a healthy vocal technique that gives students the confidence to express themselves on stage in Broadway, classical pop, and Christian music.
She has taught in a number of venues over the past twenty years, instructing students of all abilities and experience, the more advanced of which have won vocal competitions and performed with orchestras and in professional Broadway and opera companies. To prepare her students for such endeavors, Ms. Tavera regularly organizes vocal workshops, recitals, and Broadway and opera productions, encouraging students to participate in every capacity, from performing leading roles to staging scenes to producing and publicizing the final production.
Ms. Tavera adheres to the Italian school of singing which focuses the light and dark (chiaro e scuro) characteristics of one’s voice, placing a strong emphasis on a healthy legato line and evenness of tone. This begins with centering the body so that the singer can focus on finding one’s natural placement rather than leaning on an artificial quality. Attention is paid to the freedom of the voice and the relaxed placement thereof, which practice lends itself to natural singing in any genre.
Ms. Tavera teaches private voice lessons in Orage County and online via Skype, you can even pay by PayPal. Set up a private lesson today. She can be contacted by telephone at (805) 680-6102 or by email at celeste.tavera.3@gmail.com [celestetaveravoicestudio@gmail.com].